fbpx Trail Series® FAQ Series | Wildrunner

Trail Series® FAQ Series

Q1)  It's my first Trail Series®, where will I be running and do I get a medal?

The Cape Summer Trail Series has 4 events each at a different venue:

15/01/19 Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden 5.8km | 10km
20/01/19 Lebanon Forest Grabouw 6.3km | 13.4km
30/01/19 Meerendal Wine Estate 6.2km | 12km
03/02/19 Oak Valley 7km | 15km

There is a unique medal for anyone who finishes the series. You are more than welcome to just do one or two of the races at any time but you need to complete the Series to receive the medal. This means you have to run at least three of a particular distance (LONG or SHORT) in order to be placed on the Series results and receive a medal. Two LONG races and two SHORT races do not count.


Q2 ) I’ve never run trail before, what should I bring to each race? Is there any compulsory equipment?

Some trail running events require compulsory gear that may include space blankets, super glue and a whole range of other things.

The Trail Series® does not require any of these specialised items but carrying a cell phone is required and a few other basics are HIGHLY recommended.

We suggest the following:

  • Trail running shoes

  • Hydration pack with space for at least 800ml

  • Whistle

  • Sunscreen

  • Windbreaker

  • Headlamp (for any Sunset or Night Race)



Q3) How do choose trail shoes? Please Help!

There’s a big difference between road and trail shoes so we asked some experts to help

Watch Grant Bryant and Erin Van Eyssen talk more about trail shoes here.


Q4 ) What can I expect on the run?

The common thread with trail running is that it’s about the journey and not the destination. Venues range from wine farms to mountain ridges and remote wilderness locations, with something for all tastes and abilities. Trail running has a seriously competitive form, of which we have only just started to see what is possible, but for the majority of runners, it’s all about getting off the road, away from traffic and enjoying the surroundings.

There are a few major differences in a trail race that you need to bear in mind:

1. Terrain and total ascent/descent have a huge impact on the time it takes to complete a trail race. Unlike road running, constant pace is more often than not impossible. Checking previous winning times will give you a good idea of how long you can expect your race to take.

2. Trail running race norm, due to the very nature of the venues you run in, requires you to be self-sufficient. Water tables are a bonus and are not to be expected. This means that you may often be carrying at least 500ml of water on you.

3. Hiking is as much to trail running as waves are to surfing. Hiking can be as fast as running with half the effort on steep terrain, so you can expect to walk from time to time, once again adding to your time taken.

Wildrunner has established their own Wildrunner Trail Grading' system (WTG). This grading system was established to help new trail runners make informed decisions about which races might best suit their ability.

More info about grading


Q5 ) Can children run?

YES! The Trail Series® is fit for all types of runners and all ages! It’s a fun outing for the whole family and kids under 10 fun for free! In the short course, there are 3 dedicated categories for U18’s and prizes are awarded for the top 3 at each race!



Junior 15-17years

Minimee 11-14years

Peewee 6-10years

Click here for more info on kids under 10


Q6) I’m hitting my golden years, is there a category for me?

If there are 5 or more of you who complete the whole series then yes. The potential categories are as follows:

Short Course Categories:

Peewee 6-10 years
Minimee 11-14 years
Junior 15-17 years
Senior 18-39 years
Veteran 40-49 years
Master 50-59 years
Grand Master 60+ years

Long Course Categories:
Senior 17-39 years

Veteran 40-49 years
Master 50-59 years
Grand Master 60+ years

  • Series category prizes will only be awarded if there are a minimum of five FINISHERS in any particular category at the end of the Series

  • .Boys and girls will only be separated in the Junior category and only if there are at least five of each gender running in this category. If there is not at least five boys or five girls running a particular race then these boys and girls will race in one category.

  • The Minimee and Peewee categories will not be separated according to gender.

So call your similarly aged mates and get them to run behind you!


Q7) I think I can run faster than my mates, how do series points work and who gets prizes?

To complete the Series, you have to run at least three long courses or three short courses. If you run all four, your three best times will be used when determining results.


  • Series results are determined by a scoring system where runners' get points according to the position they finish in each race.I.e. First position gets one point, second position gets two points, third position gets three points etc.

  • At the end of the Series, the runner with the lowest number of points wins.

  • Only your three best results for the Series are taken into account, with the slowest time discarded.

  • When two runners end up on the same points total, we calculate your overall running time across races that both runners have run. I.e. if runner A ran races 1, 2 and 3 and runner B ran races 2, 3 and 4, we will only compare their finish times from races 2 and 3 as we can only compare head to head races on the same course. The reason for this is because no two trail races are the same and we have to compare apples with apples.

Prizes will be given per race for the first three runners over the line and also for the first three junior, minimee and peewee runners. Other category winners in both the Championship and the Challenge, will only receive prizes for placing in the top three in the overall Series. You will be called up to the podium at every race though as a token of recognition. Prizes will be awarded to the series winners at the final event in the series.

No prizes will be posted or kept aside to be collected at another time unless arranged directly with the registration manager on the day of the race, or in the case of the overall Series ahead of the final race.


Q8) I’m a speedster and I always get stuck behind people at road races, what can I do?

Pick the right batch - We have set up some guidelines to help you make a decision

Championship batches A-D | Challenge batches E-H

Batch A/E (Elite/Super Fast): Top 25% Overall – If you are regularly finishing in the top 25% of the overall field (NOT category), then this batch is for you. For example, if there are 600 runners and you usually finish in the top 150, you would choose batch A/E. If you’re aiming for a podium finish this is definitely for you!

Batch B/F: 26 – 50% Overall – If you are regularly placing between 26% and 50% of the overall field, then B/F is just right. For example, if there are 600 runners and you usually finish between 151st place and 300th place, you would choose batch B.

Batch C/G: 51 – 75% Overall – If you are regularly placing between 51% and 75% of the overall field, then pick C/G. For example, if there are 600 runners and you finish between 301st place and 450th place, you would choose batch C/G.

Batch D (Jogging): Higher than 76% Overall – If you are regularly placing in the bottom 25% of the overall field, then jogging in D/H is for you. For example, if there are 600 runners and you finish between 451st place and 600th place, you would choose batch D.


Q9) I’m a walker, can I do the Trail Series®?

This is a question that we struggle to answer whenever we get it. Firstly there is no cut off time when it comes to the Trail Series® events however it is a run and therefore we expect people to run and yes there are sections where you will walk/fast hike due to the gradient but one shouldn't go out with the intention of hiking the course, the main reason for this is we have  a safety team that run behind the last runners in the case of an emergency on course they will be the first to reach the injured runners and if we have groups of people walking this holds the safety team back in increase the time that it takes them to reach the injured runner.

If you are interested I suggest you taking on the short course which is easier and you are able to go out, take your time and run/walk where possible. However, we discourage people from coming in with the mindset of walking the whole route.


Q10) What happens if I fall out on the course?

Who you gonna call? Ghostbusters! Wait, wait, that’s not right.

If you get injured at a race stop and take a deep breath.

Remain calm and assess the situation.

Phone the race organiser - the emergency contact number is printed on your race number. Do not continue running after you have contacted the organiser.

The event director will advise on what the next course of action will be

Know that there is a team to help, medics and an ambulance on site, a sweeper with a first aid kit behind the last runner and a course manager with a vehicle on route.



Have a question?  Email info@wildrunner.co.za
Ready to enter? www.trailseries.co.za

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