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Namibia Crossing 2021 Postponed to 2022

It will probably come as no surprise that given the current havoc & uncertainty that COVID-19 continues to wreak, both in South Africa and around the world, the bi-annual Namibia Crossing that was set to take place in June this year, is being postponed to June 2022.
Uniquely, this 5 day, 200km wilderness running race through the oldest and most biologically rich mountain desert in the world, traverses over an official land border between South Africa and Namibia.


We need your help

At some point in the last 13 years, at one or more of the 307 trail running events & unique african running experiences Wildrunner has established during this time, you became part of our Wildrunner family.  

The 2018 Bos Sport Mountain Challenge Series, amplified by Jaybird

Hosted by Wildrunner, the series is the only one of its kind in South Africa. A tough, pure mountain running series made up of three separate races; the Jonkershoek Mountain Challenge, (JMC), the Helderberg Mountain Challenge (HMC) and the Marloth Mountain Challenge (MMC). Each event consists of a Lite, Extreme and Ultra distance race. To complete the series, participants must compete in the same distance category at each race.

Join the Wildrunner Team!

Job Title: Administration Coordinator

Job objective: Effective office & event administration

Job description summary:

Tasks will include (but are not exclusive to) –

Wildrunner Event Manager position available!

Wildrunner is looking for a suitably qualified and experienced individual to join a small and dedicated team, at the fore-front of trail running in Southern Africa.

Job Title: Event Manager

Trail etiquette

“Along the top of Table Mountain after the monster climb, I started to catch groups of men. Passing them one by one with no hassles – no I don’t for one second believe that all men are chauvinists, I would like to make that very clear! I caught a guy with a flat cap, some cringe tattoos and inov-8s (name and shame right there – look out fellow trail runners). I asked if I could pass, he was clearly buggered as he had no muscle control over the technical terrain in the gale force winds, I didn’t get a response, but I figured he didn’t hear me.

So you want to climb?

You might have seen the National Geographic video of Alex Honnold recently. It’s tummy flipping and inspirting all in one.


“Alex Honnold makes the first free solos of the largest walls in North America. He scales 2,000 feet with only shoes and chalk bag—no rope, no safety, and no room for error. Though he's a superhero on the walls, off the rock Alex is a shy, self-effacing young guy living in his van. He's sort of a Clark Kent-Superman character.” – National Geographic


Tackling Trails as a new parents

“You’ve decided to pursue the ultimate challenge, harder than any ultra or any FKT: you’re bringing a tiny trail runner into the world.” - Megan Janssen.

Work, Eat, Sleep repeat. This is a normal routine for people across the world. A select few try to add a fourth item to the list. Work, eat, train, sleep (sometimes), repeat. This is a tough routine to stick to but is very rewarding. Suddenly you find you have an extra bundle of joy in the house and training goes out the window. Thus you decide to take on the ultimate challenge.

Reduce muscles soreness after a race

Training can really take it out of you, it’s tiring and can be painful. For every action there is a reaction and when you train hard your body will respond with soreness and fatigue. Sometimes after a run you may feel great all day, only the next day is your body too sore to think about getting out of bed. This is probably Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

Perform Pain Reliever has some helpful tips to reduce DOMS and keep you in your routine.  

Listen to Your Body

Trail mix for Trail Runners

Snacking while running is not only delicious but is also fuel for your body and aids recovery. Liz Applegate, Ph.D. has some ideas of snacks that are healthy and help satisfy post-run cravings! These 6 snacks can be eaten individually or combined into a trail mix.

Pumpkin Seeds (Pepitas)

Pumpkin seeds are a source of copper, zinc, iron and plenty magnesium. Magnesium is needed to work with the carbs stored in your muscles, without it your muscles can become weak.

Sunflower Seeds