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Wild Dreams

2020 was the grim reaper of dreams. But tapping out of what makes us tick is the surest way to have it all fall apart. With local tourism and event organisation having taken one of the biggest knocks through the pandemic, it’s time to turn our dreams towards the local gems around us. Running wild and free is possibly the exact opposite, and ideal antidote, to lockdown.

Running wild on the African continent is a pastime as old as time. A connection to ancient places and spaces, people and legends.

Wild Encounters

On the 6th of February this year, a trail running story just about broke the internet. A runner in Colorado fought and killed an 80-pound mountain lion that attacked him on a nature trail in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, wildlife officials said.

Wild Encounters

On the 6th of February this year, a trail running story just about broke the internet. A runner in Colorado fought and killed an 80-pound mountain lion that attacked him on a nature trail in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, wildlife officials said.