fbpx Subscriber offer: Portable power station in the palm of your hand | Wildrunner

Subscriber offer: Portable power station in the palm of your hand

Meet the Jackery.  A portable power plant in the palm of your hand.  This is not your average power bank, this is lithium-ion powered giving you maximum bang to weight (see a link to the specifications below).  

While designed in the first world for the purposes of giving you power in the great outdoors, the application in a South African context can be far more baseline thanks to Eskom.  

So while it is perfectly suited to keeping the beers cold in that portable fridge while you are out running that ultra, it can also be that back up battery to keep your home alarm running, or for keeping that wireless routers lights on enabling you to stay on deadline.  

As a Wildrunner subscriber you get R250 off any purchase at the Jackery Shop using the coupon code 'run250' during checkout!

Jackery Explorer 500 Specifications