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Running on a Budget

Hello January, and a generally strained economy. Plenty of us are looking at the nice-to-haves in our lives and trimming things down a little. But running is a necessity, right? It is where so many of us
find our life balance, make new friends and feel continued joy.

So, how to keep our favourite sport alive and well in 2019, without melting the credit card?

Run for Free
Join a community based group who gets out often, and enjoy camaraderie and safety in numbers without spending a cent. If there are no groups in your area that suit your needs, start one. Run
your local Park Run as a weekly speed session, rather than paying track fees. Indulge in all the expert free advice and training programs available online.

Good Deals
Running has inevitable costs, and most of them are centered on gear and race entries; so get smart here. Sites like One Day Only are worth checking daily. If you are in the market for big items like a
new running watch or pair of shoes, you might just find your preferred brand on special. And when your tried and tested shoes are on special, try to invest in two pairs while the going is good.

If you enjoy road running, join a club and avoid paying temp license fees at each race. You’ll also find that most trail events have early bird specials, so pre-planning your race calendar will save you
money. Events that take place as a series are great value for money, as you pay once and enjoy multiple events.

Seek out events where kids run free, or those that offer family discounts. Ask your running club if they have been offered group discounts as race organisers frequently do so. It is also worth asking at
smaller, specialist running stores for loyalty points or a discount agreement based on frequent purchases or some worthwhile social media support.

Second Hand Gear
There is always someone upgrading to a new GPS watch or hydration pack. Keep checking community pages for deals, or sites like Ye Olde Trail Shop where runners regularly trade gear.

Look at the race calendar and choose wisely. Perhaps it comes down to just two favourite races in a year; ones that you can budget and plan for in advance. Don’t feel pressured to rock up at every race
on the calendar or chase your running buddies and competitors on every trail. Invest in the experiences that mean something to YOU. We also benefit from combining running events with family holidays, weekends away or bucket list travel.

The same applies to gear purchases. Invest in what works for you, and don’t be tempted to buy every new style running tee on the market or unnecessary tights just because the print is pretty.

Community Rules
Running has always, and will always be a place where we take care of one another. Sharing car rides to races makes it more affordable for everyone, particularly those who do not have private transport. Be willing to share compulsory kit with fellow runners who are busy building up their trail running arsenal, and don’t hesitate to ask for help in this arena.

Rest and Recover
Listen to all the expert advice, and don’t over train or over race. This will result in injury or frequent illness, and rehab treatment is more expensive than racing! Healthy eating is less expensive than
medical care.

Make a List
If there is something pricey that you need or want (blurred lines, right!?), list the items in order of importance and share that list with loved ones when they want gift ideas. A group of friends would
rather buy you that coveted hydration pack or contribute to a voucher for your favourite running store than fill your shelves with unwanted cosmetics or work socks.

In It to Win It
Go on, enter those competitions! Someone has to win. Stay for the lucky draws after races, write in to win through running publications and keep an eye on the social media platforms of your favourite
athletic brands running promotions or giveaways.

Wishing you all an affordable, rewarding 2019 on the trails!