Mina Guli’s vision for her 100 marathons in 100 days #RunningDry campaign was simple: to make saving water famous. Just over 2 weeks after announcing her severe injury on social media - and having already completed 62 marathons in 62 days - her vision has become a reality with #RunningDry becoming a worldwide movement that everyone can be a part of.
On Sunday, 27 January, everyone is invited to join the #RunningDry community in an attempt 100 marathons in 1 day - worldwide. 100 marathons in 1 day for 1 reason: water. To take part, simply run or walk a marathon (or part of a marathon) and log your distance on social media with the hashtag #RunningDry. The marathons will be taking place all over the world, linked together by this hashtag.
Participants are encouraged to share water facts (available on Mina’s website) and invite their friends to join. To date, the biggest running day has logged 1800km for #RunningDry (42 marathons), so 4200km in one day is an ambitious goal - but one that Mina feels certain the global community will rise to.
“There’s an African proverb that says, ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.’ Well, I’ve gone about as far as I can alone. The next 25 days of #RunningDry are all about collective action.”
Even more committed to the cause since sustaining her injury, Mina will be traveling to the USA from Australia, where she will be spreading her #RunningDry message, as well as meeting with communities already affected by the water crisis and water heroes searching for solutions to this crisis.
To find out more about the #RunningDry campaign and to log your kilometres, visit Mina’s website www.minaguli.com, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram
If you elect to rise to the challenge, please help us spread the word by copy and pasting the following graphic on Social Media: